Re: System hangs 2.1.95/96 and Netscape

Alexander L. Belikoff (
20 Apr 1998 00:16:34 +0300

Sid Boyce <> writes:

> With those 2 kernels and Netscape 4.04/4.05 up, I have been getting a complete
> lock up of my system, usually when Netscape has been idle for some considerable
> amount of time.

More about my pathetic experience:

With 2.1.96 pretty much every other connection attempt makes Netscape
hang (that is, not to bother repainting a window) for 5-7 minutes and
then display an error message about connection error. It hangs during
the 'Connecting to ...' stage.

Also, I noticed that network performance deteriorated with a passion
of time. Later still - remote CVS calls started hanging.

Checking the logs afterwards revealed a bunch of messages of the
following kind:

Apr 17 15:22:17 localhost pppd[537]: Remote message: Welcome to REMOTE_HOST
Apr 17 15:22:17 localhost modprobe: can't locate module ppp-compress-21
Apr 17 15:22:17 localhost modprobe: can't locate module ppp-compress-24

<The first message is OK> Also, I am sure I saw some weird messages
like 'socket destroy error...' - can't find it now...

Alexander L. Belikoff
Bloomberg LP / BFM Financial Research Ltd.

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