Floppy problem with 2.1.8x

Shaw Carruthers (shaw@shawc.demon.co.uk)
Sun, 8 Feb 1998 23:48:43 +0000 (GMT)

When I insert & mount a floppy in the latest kernels, I get:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/fd0,
or too many mounted file systems

Feb 8 23:34:31 shawc kernel: floppy0: disk absent or changed during
Feb 8 23:34:31 shawc kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00, sector 2
Feb 8 23:34:32 shawc kernel: EXT2-fs: group descriptors corrupted !
Feb 8 23:34:40 shawc kernel: warning: usage count=0, CURRENT=c01c7380
Feb 8 23:34:40 shawc kernel: sect=2 cmd=1

I thought this might be a hardware problem, but I get it on brand new
floppies just formatted and mke2fs'ed.

If I mke2fs I can then mount the floppy once and write to it, subsequent
mounts fail, if I release and reinsert the floppy.

Mount mount-2.7g with floppy.o module.

Has anyone else had similar problems?

Shaw Carruthers - shaw@shawc.demon.co.uk
London SW14 7JW UK
This is not a sig( with homage to Magritte).

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