Re: 3.0 wishlist

Dan Hollis (
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 15:32:19 -0800 (PST)

On Tue, 20 Jan 1998, Albert D. Cahalan wrote:
> > I did a search through altavista and was unable to find any reports.
> > Do you have any documented cases of this?
> It is listed at their own website on a bug collection page.
> Don't imagine Linux dumb code would be bug-free.

Ill look through GNATS and see whats up.

> > I'm leaning toward the way IRIX does dumps now... which nullifies
> > all arguments against 'confused hardware'. This will only be
> > possible if a way can be found to prevent BIOS from stomping all
> > over memory on a warmboot though.
> Going over the network might be safe, since you could disable
> disk access first. Maybe use a separate network stack with a
> really simple non-standard (not IP) protocal. It could use
> Ethernet broadcast and forget any streaming features.

Ooh. Many routers (Cisco, Morningstar, etc) have the option to do a
crash dump via tftp. This has the advantage that its easily supported, and
the protocol is very simple. Would this be a reasonable approach? E.g.
dump /proc/kcore via tftp to a specified host.
