Kernel Makefile Change for multiple machines and modules

Marc A. Volovic (
Wed, 10 Dec 1997 15:21:12 +0200

Compiling a single kernel for a number of wildly different machines
on a single host is simple enough in Linux as long as one does not
play with modules.

As soon as modules muddle the issue, one encounters a problem of
installing them, as compiled, on a single machine, becomes annoying:
one must manually jiggle the /lib/modules/something hierarchy.

Therefore, as a quick, slap-together, solution, enclosed is a Makefile
patch to add another target to the Makefile - modules_altinstall - which

stuffs new modules into /lib/modules/x.y.z.ALT.


--- Makefile Wed Dec 10 14:17:44 1997
+++ /usr/src/linux/Makefile.orig Mon Dec 1 23:30:10 1997
@@ -272,29 +272,6 @@
s; \

- @( \
- cd modules; \
- MODULES=""; \
- inst_mod() { These="`cat $$1`"; MODULES="$$MODULES $$These"; \
- mkdir -p $$MODLIB/$$2; cp -p $$These $$MODLIB/$$2; \
- echo Installing modules under $$MODLIB/$$2; \
- }; \
- \
- if [ -f BLOCK_MODULES ]; then inst_mod BLOCK_MODULES block; fi;
- if [ -f NET_MODULES ]; then inst_mod NET_MODULES net; fi;
- if [ -f IPV4_MODULES ]; then inst_mod IPV4_MODULES ipv4; fi;
- if [ -f SCSI_MODULES ]; then inst_mod SCSI_MODULES scsi; fi;
- if [ -f FS_MODULES ]; then inst_mod FS_MODULES fs; fi;
- if [ -f CDROM_MODULES ]; then inst_mod CDROM_MODULES cdrom; fi;
- \
- ls *.o > .allmods; \
- echo $$MODULES | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | comm -23 .allmods - >
.misc; \
- if [ -s .misc ]; then inst_mod .misc misc; fi; \
- rm -f .misc .allmods; \
- )
@( \



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