Re: dcache/inode management patch -- please test!

Bill Hawes (
Fri, 31 Oct 1997 10:55:31 -0500

Andrea Arcangeli wrote:

> Please comment out the "d_alloc: 1681 unused, pruning dcache message" in
> this patch, if it is _not_ a warning/error message. The system is bad
> usable from console in 2.1.60 and 2.1.61 because I must press always
> CTRL-L if the filesystem code is running.

My apologies for annoying everyone with the d_alloc messages. They are
serving a purpose though -- I'm trying to find a good way to keep
negative dentries under control. If we get a sudden flood of negative
dentries, this can make it inefficient to search the dentry list for
freeable inodes or pages.

For example, doing a rm -rf linux-2.1.56 will create several thousand
negative dentries on the unused list. The d_alloc pruning helps keep
some semblance of balance in the dentry list, but I hadn't intended for
this code to be used frequently. My newer dcache code prunes negative
dentries more aggressively and so seldom triggers the d_alloc message.
