Re: Spooky-2.1.59 Missing L2 cache definition

Nicholas J. Leon (
Sun, 26 Oct 1997 19:22:11 -0500

I'm not sure what the real correction is, but for this particular thing, I
just add the definition of 'CPU=586' to my gcc command line ala '-DCPU=586'.

At 05:04 PM 10/26/97 -0500, Robert A. Maiale wrote:
> Here's one for holloween. I am being haunted by a a file located in
>/usr/src/linux/include/asm . It is called cache.h. It howls whenever I
>attempt to compile things like smbfs-2.0.2, imlib etc. Here are its
>eerie errors:
>/usr/include/asm/cache.h:43: #error Add L2 cache definition for your


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