Re: oops in 2.0.30 with 686

Doug Ledford (
Fri, 03 Oct 1997 17:17:04 -0500

> I don't know if this has been noted before, but we have several Gateway
> P6-200's running Redhat 4.2 and they are quite flakey.
> One is ide, has 64 Meg RAM, 128Meg swap and gives (with almost nothing
> running) frequent segfaults.

If these are recent GW2k machines, then they probably have SDRAM instead of
regular DRAM. I would suspect that the SDRAM might be getting tripped up by
linux where as it would pass DOS/Win95 tests. I tried SDRAM in a linux box
that didn't originally come with SDRAM once...... It seems you really need
to know the particulars of the MB, BIOS, timings from chipset, and a few
other things to be able to get SDRAM and have it be reliable. In general,
SDRAM is touchy, and bad or improperly speced SDRAM would cause the likes of
what you are seeing (frequent segfaults).

* Doug Ledford                      *   Unix, Novell, Dos, Windows 3.x,     *
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