> On my old machine (which is very messy inside) I've got this message a couple of
> times. The solution was to fix the hard drive and the cables again. Something
> loosened up there and caused the problem. After putting everything back in the
> right place it worked again - except that the partition was messed up because
> fsck tried to automatically repair it and did a bad job in this (although the
> manual claims that fsck -a is mapped to e2fsck -p which should be safe according
> to the manual)
In this case it really IS a hardware defect....
I'd like to map around it, but AFAIK badblocks isn't returning a list of
invalid blocks to mke2fs...
There is _NOTHING_ on this drive anymore (I wiped out the old Win95
partition). I needed another 1G for storage for all the programming I
work with.... (and it was lying around at the tech-shop I work for)
But until it's operational (passes a fsck :), I'm not using it.
I also have another drive - an old SCSI 120M - which kept me occupied for
3 (!) years trying to keep it stable enough to use... I repartitioned it
around the bad areas (mostly)... But that drive WAS getting worse. I
still haven't replaced it (on my budget [close to 0] I can't afford new
harddrives). So noone tell me space is cheap! Some of us have to eat,
you know! (and harddrive costs as much as a months rent for me)
G'day, eh?
- Teunis