Re: which ISDN devices work with Linux?

Eberhard Burr (
21 Aug 1997 01:42:40 +0200 (Harald Milz) writes:

> The others are ISDN terminal adapters, external or internal. Look,
> feel, taste and behave like modems. Internal TA's have UARTs & need
> IRQs. External UARTs are connected to a free serial port but normally
> you cannot use their full data rate when using both channels because a
> serial ports normally only can do 115,200 bps. Neither requires special
> drivers. In many cases you cannot run transparent HDLC over them but
> you need async PPP or X.75. There are exceptions like the Zyxel 2864DI
> which will run SLIP over the RS232 line and sync PPP over ISDN if you
exactly this does _not_ work properly with my Elite 2864ID and I've
heard from some other folks using Elites and OmniTAs that have the
same problem. Problem is, that the Zyxels don't get hardware handshake
right when doing this conversion. Avoid them, if you have to use
transparent HDLC as you have to keep your serial line slower than the
B-channel which comes out to be no faster than analog modems.

Zyxel's european support stopped talking to me, when they heared that
i use Linux.

Just my 0.02

best regards,

Eberhard Burr             finger for PGP key
                          #include <stddisc.h>
They just buzzed and buzzed...buzzed.