Old drivers in the development Kernel 2.1.* - Does anybody know why?

Dietmar Kling (s_dkling@student.uni-ulm.de)
Sat, 19 Jul 1997 17:31:17 +0200

Yesterday a friend of mine tried to install 2.1.50.

But his network card module failed until we discovered that we needed the 3c59x.c driver
from the 2.0.30 tree which had support for his network card.

Are there more modules in the 2.1.* kernel which are older than the 2.0.3* kernel.?

What is the reason for it?

We copied the 3c59.x from the 2.0.30 kernel to 2.1.50 and it worked fine, so
if its not to much time please update Linus , why should the development kernel support
less devices than the "stable" kernel ?
