Re: ioctl(fd, KDMKTONE, arg)
Wed, 13 Aug 1997 22:42:33 +0200 (MET DST)

Bob Tracy - TDS:

: The PCMCIA cardmgr utility no longer generates beeps as of 2.1.49.
: Something in the last patch set seems to have affected
: ioctl(fd, KDMKTONE, arg). A quick check of the return value from
: ioctl() doesn't indicate any errors occurring.

Well, in the code for KDMKTONE and KIOCSOUND the value 1193180/arg
was replaced by arg. A good idea, but if the behaviour of these
ioctls is to stay what it was, the same change is required in _kd_mksound
For example:

count = hz;

perhaps followed by

if (count > 1193180/20 || count < 1193180/32767)
count = 0;

in order to preserve the constraints that were there before.
The first constraint may have been meant to keep count within
16 bits, and if so, should perhaps be replaced by

if (count > 65535 || ...