Re: Usenet gateway?

John Henders (6ar$9ro$
10 Aug 1997 04:57:08 GMT

In <199708070303.NAA00326@vindaloo.atnf.CSIRO.AU> rgooch@atnf.CSIRO.AU (Richard Gooch) writes:

>Olaf Titz writes:
>> > Is it possible to filter out all messages which have "Newsgroups: " or
>> > "Distribution: " in their headers?

>No, they would only be blacklisted if they fed from news back into the
>mailing list. A feed from mail to news (if configured properly) would
>be unknown to the mailing list.

I don't think so. My gateway, which is only for my local machine, uses
the moderators file so that if I want to reply to the list I use
followup in my newsreader, whereas reply sends mail to the poster.
However, this means my submissions to the list will have a Newsgroups
line. As well, to assure I don't leak articles from the mailing list to
the rest of the world, my posting script automagically puts a local
distribution on the messages. Both these, which, IMO, constitute a
properly set up gateway, would be filtered in this proposal. I'd have to
hack on INN's mail to moderator routines to fix this.

  Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
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