Re: XFree86 3.3 + CL GD5464 + 2.1.x

Christopher Salinardi (
Sun, 06 Jul 1997 01:07:54 -0400

Jonathan Freeson wrote:
> Hello:
> I have a Cirrus Logic 5464 video card. With 2.0.30, I have no problems
> with this card and XFree86 v3.3 (when using 3.1.2, it crashed all the
> time when switching to other virtual terminals). However, whenever I
> try to use a 2.1.42 or 2.1.43, my screen and keyboard lock up whenever I
> try to start X. I recall reading about problems with the SVGA server
> and the new 2.1 kernels a while back, but I can't seem to locate the
> message.

Hi, I'm sorry that I don't have a solution to your problem, but I am
suffering from a similar problem. I'm running X v3.3, and kernel
v2.1.43, also and it likes to lock up on me when I start X also, but not
all the time, usually it's the second time I start X (after I quit and
go back in). But, it isn't just a keyboard and screen lockup, it is a
complete system lockup, everything stops, I can't telnet or ftp to my
machine. The tricky thing is that our hardware is completely different,
but we are both using the SVGA server. When I used X v3.2a I had no
problems, and I haven't tried older kernels because it doesn't irritate
me enough to go to the trouble, but I don't think it's a hardware
problem. I don't know much about video cards, but my card warns against
probing for clocks or having any clocks line in the XF86Config file. You
might check that.

Here's my hardware:
Tyan 1563D Motherboard with an Intel Chipset and Intel 133 CPU, 512K
3.5 GB Maxtor EIDE HD
2X SONY CDU33A CDROM and cheesy proprietary interface card, got it for
Diamond Stealth 3D 3000 PCI, 2MB VRAM
Sound Blaster 16 with IDE, not used
Zoom 33.6 Internal Modem
3COM Etherlink III 3C509B Network card