Re: Advice wanted on porting

Alan Cox (
Thu, 3 Jul 1997 22:35:08 +0100 (BST)

> I've got binutils compiled and installed (I think). The only
> problems I got look non-fatal. The tex info docs didn't seem
> to build. Might run without those I think...
> I'm building my gnucc at the moment.

Should have said - theres a Linux68K ELF cross compiler kit
ix86/Linux to 68K on the Linux/68K site (
along with the 68K 2.0.29 kernel tree (which isnt quite the same as
the generic 2.0.29). There's an a.out target set on
in pub/linux/mac too - (the booter Im using on the mac is a.out only)

Make sure your binutils is up to date, preferably the linux patched one
otherwise you will have fun with some obscure forms of relocation coming
out wrong. Sort of stuff that only bites you on kernels.
