2.1.43 and sound

M.Stekelenburg (m.stekelenburg@student.utwente.nl)
Wed, 18 Jun 1997 01:39:38 +0200 (MET DST)

I just upgraded tp 2.1.43 which is the first since a long time that seems
to be stable... When I try to play an mp3 with mpg123 it doesn't sound
very well. With 2.1.27 it was fine. Also the sound driver has started
complaining. This is what i get:

Jun 18 01:21:46 noviomagus kernel: sb: Interrupt test on IRQ7 failed - Probable IRQ conflict
Jun 18 01:21:46 noviomagus kernel: SB DSP version is just 3.1 which means that your card is
Jun 18 01:21:46 noviomagus kernel: several years old (8 bit only device)
Jun 18 01:21:46 noviomagus kernel: or alternatively the sound driver is incorrectly configured.
Jun 18 01:21:48 noviomagus kernel: Sound: DMA (output) timed out - IRQ/DRQ config error?
Jun 18 01:22:03 noviomagus last message repeated 8 times

I've a logitech soundman games. And indeed it is several years old and i
know that.
