Re: Problems with too much memory (?)

Stefan Kreicker (
Wed, 23 Apr 1997 19:05:32 +0200 (MET DST)

On 22 Apr, Pavel Machek wrote:
> When I removed 4MB SIMM, compilation time went down to 22 minutes. I
> thought that it is hardware problem, but I wanted to investigate it more.
> So I put memory back and limited memory to 16M (mem=16M). Compile time
> stayed at about 22 minutes.
> So I suspect linux tfor having problems with too much memory.

May u should take a look at the 'caching strategy' of your bios.
I have encountered the same problem on some (old) 486 boards using
more then 16mb, if your board uses a ami bios u can check and (may)
correct the problem with a program called amisetup (dos based, but
u only need it to change permanent saved bios settings).
But if u have insufficient cache and or tag ram u out a luck.

So, I suspect the problem is not linux but board/bios related.


 Stefan Kreicker                                   email:
 Aix-la-Chapelle                                fax/data: +49-241-873958