Re: gpm/kernel stuff
Roeland Th Jansen (
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 22:33:22 +0000 (GMT)
> > it misses consequently the same characters. rebooting linux solves it and it
> > looks like that it is system wide. e.g. when another user uses cut/paste,
> > the same happens.
> >
> > Anyone who has an idea ? linux 2.0.29 and gpm 1.10
> One thing that occurs to me: do you ever get scrambled console screen
> output apart from with gpm? For example, my gfx card (a 2mb Cirrus 5446)
> is a bit flaky and tends to lose characters and get weird attribute
> settings and so on (and also has one or two very minor problems in
> XFree86, which get much worse if I turn linear mode off). With that card,
> gpm cut/paste is broken because the card is. I'm absolutely certain that
> the problems lie with the card: it's independent of OS and user software,
> and even happens for BIOS startup messages.
actually, no it doesn't the console is OK always. the only thing that fails
after a short or longer time, is the gpm cut/paste.
I have a miroCRYSTAL 20 SD (S3 based)
Grobbebol's Home (Linux 2.0.xx i586)