Re: modutils snapshot for 970103

Michael Harnois (
03 Jan 1997 23:13:20 -0600

Henrik Storner <> writes:

> As for whether it works, I applied the linux-2.1.19 patch to a 2.1.20
> kernel, and now get errors when linking the kernel (on a i386 - yes,
> I did change the 'ARCH=alpha' in the patch):
> kernel/kernel.o: In function `init_modules':
> kernel/kernel.o(.text+0x4631): undefined reference to `__stop___ksymtab'
> kernel/kernel.o(.text+0x4636): undefined reference to `__start___ksymtab'
> kernel/kernel.o(.data+0x3614): undefined reference to `__start___ksymtab'
> Don't really know how to fix this one.

I beat on this a couple of times. Switching to versioned modules enabled me
to compile successfully. I am not enough of a hacker to know why, though.

+  Michael D. Harnois           +  It is easier to make a saint out of   +
+  Pastor, computer nerd,       +  a libertine than out of a prig.       +
+  Linux user, Havanese owner   +                                        + 
+             +          --Santayana                   +