Re: Mega Patch #8

Lars Fenneberg (
Wed, 11 Dec 1996 23:16:13 +0100 (MET)

Hi all!

You, Kai Schulte, said:

> Matthias Urlichs wrote:
> > Alan, could you please supply a patch-from-7-to-8..?
> I definitely second that. All the traffic from to
> Germany is being routed across the Atlantic and back. I've been
> ftp'ing for more than an hour now, and so far, 53 k have arrived.

I'v setup a mirror on is in Germany and connected via ECRC.
But it will only be there until 2.1.15 comes out. Maybe
I'll setup it back up when there are "mega-patches" again...


Lars Fenneberg,,  phone: +49 40 529 833 10
fingerprint D1 28 F1 FF 3C 6B C0 27  CC 9C 6C 09 34 0A 55 18