Re: Oops in 2.1.13

Ion Badulescu (
Mon, 9 Dec 1996 02:47:16 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, Mike Wangsmo wrote:

> I got an oops while shutting down 2.1.13 tonight. I have attached a copy
> of the /var/log/messages file (which I edited for brevity) and I am not
> sure how to interpret what it says. I haven't had any problems with
> 2.1.13 shutting down or stuff like that.
> Any ideas?

Yeah, upgrade to sysvinit 2.69. You should upgrade anyway, even for
2.0.x kernels.


  It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool,
            than to open it and remove all doubt.