Re: booting Linux from a dos box in win3.1

Squiz (
Tue, 3 Sep 1996 21:04:02 +0000 (GMT)

On Tue, 3 Sep 1996, Eamon Hughes. (Work: Home: wrote:

> I run linux from windozs 95 by using the configurable config.sys and
> autoexec.bat
> These kick in when winDOS is in the DOS (Surely some mistake) mode and
> works will for me (1.2.X to 2.0.16).
> It's faster as you don't have to wait for windozs to start.

The fastest method, which I currently use at the moment, is to install
'lilo', set up your default os (Linux/Windoze) and when you want to boot
the other just hold down the left shift key during booting, no config.sys
to load or anything, and much faster :)