Re: Mirroring and/or duplexing partitions

Lauri Tischler (
Sat, 6 Jul 1996 21:23:08 GMT +2

Anno Domini 6 Jul 96 at 10:31, Leonard N. Zubkoff wrote:

> I've only heard the term "duplexing" in the context of Netware. Netware seems
> to differentiate between mirroring where there are two disks but only a single
> controller, versus duplexing where there the two disks must be on separate
> controllers. In the rest of the literature I've seen, it's pretty much assumed

That's because Novell thought-up the term of _mirroring_ or
_duplexing_ before there was any RAID-thing at all.

Read up any good manuals you have hanging around,
like Netware 2.0a or 2.15, good reading......
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Lauri Tischler, Network Admin          Tel: +358-0-47846331 
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