Re: 2.0.1 hangs during boot

Bruce Thompson (
Thu, 4 Jul 1996 12:12:44 -0700

A quick update. I've rebuilt my kernel to make serial a module again. I
load the serial module using modprobe at the top of rc.serial. I've also
added some echoes so I can see where the boot is hanging.

The boot is certainly hanging while doing an stty on the modem's serial
port. Any ideas on what could be causing this?


Bruce Thompson                  | "Rumors of our death have been greatly
Developer Technical Support     |  exaggerated."
Newton Systems Group            |      - Employees of Apple Computer, Inc.
Apple Computer, Inc.            |          | "Don't believe half of what you hear,   |  and most of what you read in the papers"            |      - Me

I don't speak for Apple, my opinions are strictly my own.