> Hi there!
> All these need their special support included into the kernel under
> Linux.
> So, under Linux I'm currently forced not to use the SAMBA-fs, NFS, nor
> may I use my Scanner and I feel like I'll get some troubles with
> PPP via ISDN in my near future. I also can't install the sound-driver
> with all features enabled...
> But I'd like to soon use SAMBA and NFS, since I'm building up a little
> LAN at home, with the PC of my girlfriend and my old Sun 3/60.
> And there are some more features I'd like to use, like firewalling,
> and, and, and...
> Can anybody give me hint, what I can do ?
Yes, build your kernel with only the vital to boot drivers (root
disk(ide/scsi), rootfs (ext2fs), and build everything else as
modules, kerneld is very efficant, and you'll never want to go back ...
> Regards,
> Herbert
-- PGP key pass phrase forgotten, \ Overload -- core meltdown sequence again :( | initiated. / This space is intentionally left | blank, apart from this text ;-) \____________________________________