Re: PATCH: Ramdisk version 2.0.1

Albert Cahalan (
Mon, 1 Jul 1996 03:54:51 -0400 (EDT)

> The following patch fixes this one little thing :
> Some people have had problems with their lilo.conf containing
> 'ramdisk=0' which practically nullifies the ramdisk code,
> setting the ramdisk size to 0. The driver now checks for this
> and sets the size to 4MB, the standard default.

Why even accept ramdisk=<size> or limit the size at all? Since
the new ramdisk won't waste space unless it is actually used,
there is no reason to have the parameter. If the intent is to
protect against root doing 'cat /dev/zero >> /dev/ram0', then
you won't protect a 4 MB system anyway. With this one, I think
root should be allowed to shoot himself in the foot (with
water-gun until foot rots off). Real protection would be to
limit total ramdisk+mlocked memory to 75%.