So I rebuilt my kernel without sound support, and ran the install
program. Booted in DOS, used the Aztech software to test my config.
The 8-bit demo worked, the 16-bit demo didn't (hasn't ever, so that's
no surprise). I used the HWSET program to force the card to reset to
its default state (SB IRQ5, 240H - MSS 530H), and warm-booted into
Here's a copy of soundon.log....
Mon Jul 1 03:13:27 EDT 1996
Linux belle 2.0.0 #12 Mon Jul 1 02:00:41 EDT 1996 i586
This version (3.5.4-beta7-960611) is compiled for Linux-2.0.0
Kernel version: Linux belle 2.0.0 #12 Mon Jul 1 02:00:41 EDT 1996 i586
=== Running soundon ===
sndshield loaded OK
soundbase loaded OK
uart401 loaded OK
sb loaded OK
opl3 loaded OK
ad1848 loaded OK
==== About to start the driver using the following config ===
MSS ON P530 I10 D0 d1
OPL3 ON P388
USS/Linux 3.5.4-beta7-960606 (C) 4Front Technologies 1996
**** Demonstration copy - for evaluation purposes only ****
**** Expiration date 31 Jul 1996 ****
Kernel: Linux belle 2.0.0 #12 Mon Jul 1 02:00:41 EDT 1996 i586
Card config:
(Aztech Sound Galazy at 0x220)
(MS Sound System at 0x530 irq 10 drq 0,1)
OPL-2/OPL-3 FM at 0x388
Audio devices:
Synth devices:
0: Yamaha OPL-3
Midi devices:
0: System clock
Adding Swap: 64508k swap-space
hdc: media changed
VFS: Disk change detected on device 16:00
Max size:110485 Log zone size:2048
First datazone:20 Root inode number 40960
loading device 'eth0'...
ne.c: No NE*000 card found (i/o = 0x300).
loading device 'eth0'...
ne.c: No NE*000 card found (i/o = 0x300).
loading device 'eth0'...
ne.c: No NE*000 card found (i/o = 0x300).
loading device 'eth0'...
ne.c: No NE*000 card found (i/o = 0x300).
loading device 'eth0'...
ne.c: No NE*000 card found (i/o = 0x300).
CSLIP: code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP: version 2.2.0 (dynamic channel allocation)
PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
PPP line discipline registered.
fcntl_setlk() called by process 127 (sendmail) with broken flock() emulation
As you can see, no dice on sound. The Ethernet crap is from pulling
my NE2k card -- it's on IRQ5 normally, the PPP crap because I run
I'd love to make this thing work. Heck, Hannu, if FedExing it to you
in Finland would help, let me know. :-)
-- John Twilley | Net Daemons Associates, Inc. | Voice: (617) 937-3338 | 400 West Cummings Park, Suite 4250 | Fax: (617) 937-3775 | Woburn, MA 01801 | Beeper: (617) 532-4257