Re: 1.99.10 sound conf problems

William E. Roadcap (
Sat, 1 Jun 1996 22:25:55 -0400 (EDT)

On Sun, 2 Jun 1996, eyal wrote:

> Something strange is happening.
> I did the ususal 'make mrproper', 'copy my old .config back' 'make oldconfig' and
> it seems to function as expected. I have a Tropez whih has special treatment in
> the configuration step to build the firmware.
> I then decided to try 'make menuconfig' and 'make xconfig'. The menuconfig did offer
> the usage of the old soundconf, but the xconfig knew nothing of it.

I can't speak for xconfig but menuconfig defaults to using Hannu's Linux
compatible configuration. If you'll notice, menuconfig give you the
option to run the old sound configure program from within its sound
config menu.

> Now I cannot do the straight 'make oldconfig' anymore, it never offers to use the
> old soundconf. I think that somehow the standard config script was hijacked by
> one of the other config systems.

Yes, in a sense. Menuconfig does a 'make mkscript' in the sound driver
directory, which is intended to be sort of permanent. You can put the old
Makefile back:

cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound
cp Config.std

> Also drivers/sound/ is giving an error on undefined CONFIG_AEDSP16. I
> am not anymore sure if this is the original or was it a bad one
> generated make xconfig/menuconfig.

I think this has been a lingering problem with xconfig for a while now.
I'm not sure what causes it, sorry.

> Also, the (already reported) error in fs/ causes 'make menuconfig' to go
> ballistic - I would prefer a nice error message, even a verbose abort will do.

I be looking at that on Sunday. I'll see what I can do.
William E. Roadcap
TITUS Software
Waynesboro, Va (USA)