Other things are that the x86 memory paging and hardware-irq's would be
great to be used by grafix appl. What would really be needed is a
mechanism to reset to textmode on application death, virtualize vga mem
access and paging, irq's driven accelerator queues. vc-switching even back
and forth to dead or currently locked applications. (I've an idea on how
todo that w/o big screen buffers in kernel, with the only disadvantage of
the currently blocked application showing a black screen when switched
back to it until it wakes up again which seems senseable to me.). Device
driver level compatibility to linux-680x0, different rez and FONTS! on
vc's to allow high speed, say APL-3270 or real vt-100 (with correct fonts
that is) or IBM-DOS character set whatever), terminal emulations with own
fonts and the speed-advantages of a textmode screen device.
Well. I didn't continue to work on this for a while, not really due to
lack of time but also because I got tired of pointless religous discussion
about that topic. Thus I won't fight with anyone about above todo's.
What I only would like to ask for if someone intends to work on the vc-driver
to synchronize with me such that hooks for console managing modules as I
started coding might fit in there snuggly and things are done the right way.
(eowmob@exp-math.uni-essen.de or eowmob@pollux.exp-math.uni-essen.de
Please do not use my vm or de0hrz1a accounts anymore. In case of real
problems reaching me try mat42b@aixrs1.hrz.uni-essen.de instead.)