Re: Internal vs. external barriers (was: Re: Interesting LKMM litmus test)

From: Jonas Oberhauser
Date: Mon Jan 23 2023 - 15:07:38 EST

On 1/23/2023 8:58 PM, Alan Stern wrote:
On Mon, Jan 23, 2023 at 05:16:27PM +0100, Jonas Oberhauser wrote:
On 1/19/2023 5:41 PM, Alan Stern wrote:

But when you're comparing grace periods or critical sections to each other,
things get a little ambiguous. Should G1 be considered to come before
G2 when t1(G1) < t1(G2), when t2(G1) < t2(G2), or when t2(G1) < t1(G2)?
Springing for (po ; rcu-order ; po?) amounts to choosing the second
Aha, I see! Powerful notation indeed.
Keeping that in mind, wouldn't it make sense for pb also be changed to
`...;po?` ?
You mean changing the definition of pb to either:

prop ; strong-fence ; hb* ; po? ; [Marked]


prop ; strong-fence ; hb* ; [Marked] ; po? ; [Marked]

Oh no, not at all!

I mean that
    pb = prop ; po ; {strong ordering-operation} ; po ; hb* ; [Marked]
could instead be
    pb = prop ; po ; {strong ordering-operation} ; po? ; hb* ; [Marked]

(note that the po ; ... ; po part is actually folded inside the actual definition of strong fence).

rcu-fence is different because rcu-order has to begin and end with
either a grace period or a critical section, and both of these restrict
the execution order of surrounding events:

If X is a synchronize_rcu() or rcu_read_unlock() then events
po-before X must execute before X;

If X is a synchronize_rcu() or rcu_read_lock() then events
po-after X must execute after X.

I believe so do the strong ordering-operations in pb.
best wishes, jonas