Re: [PATCH] riscv: elf: add .riscv.attributes parsing

From: Vineet Gupta
Date: Tue Jan 10 2023 - 18:45:30 EST

On 1/10/23 15:21, Jessica Clarke wrote:
You also should handle more than one sub-subsection even if tools don’t
emit it today.
Just to be on same page, a sub-section implies the following

uint32:len, NTBS:vendor-name, uint8: Tag_file, uint32:data-len, <tag><value>....

If so, the code does support multiple of these
That’s a sub-section, but I said sub-subsection.

The psABI documentation that we reviewed yesterday only mentions Tag_File = 1 and doesn't mention the term sub-subsection at all.
We need to be consistent between code and the new documentation or just add reference to ARM documentation which covers everything and write the general purpose parser.
