RE: [RESEND PATCH v3] scsi: ufs: exclude UECxx from SFR dump list

From: Kiwoong Kim
Date: Sun Jul 10 2022 - 21:59:53 EST

> Is this behavior specific to the Exynos controller or is this behavior
> required by the UFSHCI specification? In the latter case, can you tell me
> where to find this requirement in the UFSHCI specification? I haven't
> found that requirement yet. Maybe this means that I overlooked something?
> Thanks,
> Bart.

This is needed because those SFRs are ROC (Read to Clear) type.
That means reading causes clearing contexts.
The SFRs are mainly read in interrupt context but the reading is also done in dump.

Besides, I think reading them in dump is not proper because reading them is not just 'reading'

Kiwoong Kim