Re: [PATCH v2 4/7] perf jevents: Modify match field

From: John Garry
Date: Tue May 17 2022 - 09:35:33 EST

On 11/05/2022 22:15, Ian Rogers wrote:
The match_field function looks for json values to append to the event
string. As the C code processes these in order the output order matches
that in the json dictionary. Python json readers read the entire
dictionary and lose the ordering. To make the python and C output
comparable make the C code first read the extra fields then append them
to the event in an order not determined by their order in the file.

Modify the pmu-events test so that test expectations match the new

Signed-off-by: Ian Rogers<irogers@xxxxxxxxxx>

Reviewed-by: John Garry <john.garry@xxxxxxxxxx>