Re: ktest help

From: Timur Tabi
Date: Thu Apr 06 2017 - 13:01:51 EST

On 04/06/2017 11:49 AM, Steven Rostedt wrote:
>> >
>> > This tftp's the kernel image (Image.q) and then boots. I'm having
>> > difficulty figuring out how to implement that in ktest.
>> >
> Can you make a script do this? If so, then you can simply tell ktest to
> call that script. See the options SWITCH_TO_TEST and SWITCH_TO_GOOD.

Not really. Today, I literally copy/paste that command into my putty
session every time I boot. I currently have a poor-mans-ktest that I use
today, that I'm hoping to replace with ktest itself. It's a Python script
that uses pexpect to communicate with a serial-to-ethernet device. It's
fragile and ugly, but it generally works:

def pxe_boot(child, kernel):
global options
global args

print 'Looking for Grub prompt'

count = 24 # two minutes, twice
while True:
child.expect('grub> ', timeout = 10)
except pexpect.TIMEOUT as e:
count -= 1
if count == 0:
print 'Boot failed'
if count == 12:
print 'Rebooting via BMC'
print 'Still waiting ...'

print 'Loading kernel %s' % sys.argv[1]
if options.amberwing:
child.sendline('linux %s earlycon=pl011,0xff78ed1000 console=ttyAMA1
rootwait rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 panic=1' % args[0])
child.sendline('linux %s earlycon=pl011,mmio32,0x3ced1000
console=ttyAMA0 rootwait rw ip=dhcp root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 panic=1'
% args[0])
child.expect('grub> ', timeout = 60)
print 'Booting Linux'

Is there a way I can send a "boot" command after ktest connects to the console?

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