Re: UFS V11 patch-set

From: Joao Pinto
Date: Tue Mar 22 2016 - 11:40:13 EST

On 3/22/2016 3:31 PM, Mark Brown wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 11:04:25AM +0000, Joao Pinto wrote:
> Please don't top post, reply in line with needed context. This allows
> readers to readily follow the flow of conversation and understand what
> you are talking about and also helps ensure that everything in the
> discussion is being addressed.
>> I have no intend to break the rules. I am just trying to communicate with UFS
>> maintainers that so far gave me no response. Merging in v4.7 is fine, but I
>> would like that UFS maintainers give me some feedback about the next steps, but
>> so far didn't have luck.
> Like I say the next steps are those Arnd gave you: repost after -rc1.
> Then give people at least a week or so to respond, people do get busy
> and other people are also sending patches.

Understood, I will repost this patch set after -rc1.
I suggest that the UFS maintenance should be revised because the e-mail of
ufshcd.c authors are no longer valid and the current maintainer (Vinayak
Holikatti) is having a career shift (has you can check in LinkedIn) and probably
is not available at the moment to do patch reviews.
