Re: s2ram + X11 broken between 3.10.5 and 3.10.6 (i915)

From: Toralf FÃrster
Date: Tue Aug 13 2013 - 15:21:53 EST

On 08/13/2013 08:36 PM, Toralf FÃrster wrote:
> On 08/13/2013 07:59 PM, Greg KH wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 06:00:34PM +0200, Toralf FÃrster wrote:
>>> At a ThinkPad T420 w/ a 32 bit stable Gentoo Linux and a started X11
>>> server an attempt to s2ram results in a blank scree, a gloomy blinking
>>> power button and no syslog message or something helpful . If the system
>>> is booting w/o X11 then s2ram works.
>>> s2ram in 3.10.5 works - and FWIW in 3.11-rc5 s2ram is fine.
>> Can you run 'git bisect' to track it down to the offending patch?
Ick, I forgot that I patched the 3.10.X directory with:

patching that out now let s2ram works again in 3.10.6

(but s2disk is broken in 3.10.6, however I do not know, since when,
nevertheless a different issue)

Toralf FÃrster
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