Re: [PATCH v10 net-next 0/6] net: low latency Ethernet devicepolling

From: David Miller
Date: Tue Jun 11 2013 - 04:15:00 EST

From: Eliezer Tamir <eliezer.tamir@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 09:49:31 +0300

> I would like to hear opinions on what needs to be added to make this
> feature complete.
> The list I have so far is:
> 1. add a socket option
> 2. support for poll/select
> 3. support for epoll

I actually would like to see the Kconfig option go away, that's
my only request.

> Also, would you accept a trailing whitespace cleanup patch for
> fs/select.c?

That's not really for my tree, sorry.
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