Re: [PATCH 1/1] eventfd: implementation of EFD_MASK flag

From: Eric Wong
Date: Fri Feb 08 2013 - 22:54:36 EST

Martin Sustrik <sustrik@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 08/02/13 23:21, Eric Wong wrote:
> >Martin Sustrik<sustrik@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>To address the question, I've written down detailed description of
> >>the challenges of the network protocol development in user space and
> >>how the proposed feature addresses the problems.
> >>
> >>It can be found here:
> >
> >Using one eventfd per userspace socket still seems a bit wasteful.
> Wasteful in what sense? Occupying a slot in file descriptor table?
> That's the price for having the socket uniquely identified by the
> fd.

Yes. I realize eventfd is small, but I don't think eventfd is needed
at all, here. Just one pipe.

> >Couldn't you use a single pipe for all sockets and write the efd_mask to
> >the pipe for each socket?
> >
> >A read from the pipe would behave like epoll_wait.
> >
> >You might need to use one-shot semantics; but that's probably
> >the easiest thing in multithreaded apps anyways.
> Having multiple sockets represented by a single eventfd. how would
> you distinguish where did individual events came from?
> struct pollfd pfd;
> ...
> poll (pfd, 1, -1);
> if (pfd.revents & POLLIN) /* Incoming data on which socket? */
> ...

No eventfd, you write just write struct to the pipe, and consume the
struct to a fixed size buffer:

/* trigger readiness notification for sock,
* this probably needs a lock around it
void sock_trigger(struct my_sock *sock, int events)
struct efd_mask mask;

/* check if the triggeered event is something sock wants: */
events &= sock->watched_events;

if (!events)
return; = events;
mask.ptr = sock;

* preventing sock from being in the pipe multiple times
* is probably required (or just a good idea). Which is
* why I mentioned oneshot semantics are probably required.
if (oneshot)
sock->watched_events = 0;

* This is analogous to:
* list_add_tail(&epi->rdllink, &ep->rdllist);
* in fs/eventpoll.c
* This may block, but that's why consumer_loop runs in different
* threads. Or run some iteration of consumer_loop here if
* it blocks (beware of stack depth from recursion, though)
write(pipe_wr, &mask, sizeof(mask));

/* in another thread (or several threads) */
void consumer_loop(int pipe_rd)
struct efd_mask mask;
struct my_sock *sock;

for (;;) {
* analogous to:
* epoll_wait(.., maxevents=1, ...);
* You can read several masks at once if have one thread,
* but I usually use maxevents=1 (+several threads) to
* distribute traffic between threads
read(pipe_rd, &mask, sizeof(mask));
sock = mask.ptr;
if ( & POLLIN)
else if ( & POLLOUT)

/* analogous to epoll_ctl() */
if (sock->write_buffered)
sock->watched_events |= POLLOUT;
if (sock->wants_more_data)
sock->watched_events |= POLLIN;

/* onto the next ready event */
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