Re: new daily annoyance messages

From: Konstantin Ryabitsev
Date: Wed Oct 31 2012 - 12:35:39 EST

On 31/10/12 12:30 PM, Greg KH wrote:
> Hi Konstantin,
> Who is in charge of Yesterday I started getting a
> "Here is a daily list of your outstanding bugs" email, saying:
> You will get this message once a day until you've dealt with these bugs!
> Who made this change?
> And how do we turn it off?
> Otherwise I'm just going to go and delete my
> account, as that's just about the most annoying thing I've seen in a
> while. There are plenty of reasons why you don't want to send out
> emails like this to developers and to do it every single day is pretty
> rude.

Hi, Greg:

I'm sorry about that -- a few people wanted to use the "whine" option,
which required that I turn the functionality on. In turn, this annoyed
everyone with bugs assigned to it.

Let me see if setting "whinedays" to "0" will turn off the automated
whines while letting people set up custom whines as they needed. If that
doesn't work, then I'll set "whinedays" to 3650, so at least this way
the only bugs you'll get whines about will be those that have been "NEW"
for over 10 years. :)

Konstantin Ryabitsev
Systems Administrator
Linux Foundation,
MontrÃal, QuÃbec

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