Re: [linux-pm] [suspend/resume] Re: userspace notific ation from module
From: BartÅomiej ZimoÅ
Date: Wed Jan 06 2010 - 15:37:48 EST
Dnia 6 stycznia 2010 15:35 Anders Eriksson <aeriksson@xxxxxxxxxxx> napisaÅ(a):
> uzi18@xxxxx said:
> > Ummm sorry, it's IM App, to be realible for such app it's needed to close
> > conn before suspend, because after resume tcp connections will wait
> > (especialy on linux) quiet a lot of time to broke and reconnect.
> I don't know the details here, but shouldn't the kernel fix this internally?
> If sufficient time have elapsed so the kernel _should_ have sent keep alives
> etc on an othervise idle connection, they shold be sent immediately on resume.
> If the other end has disappeared by then, the resulting port unreachable
> should trigger a local closure of the tcp state which the app will notice
> (EBADF, or similar). Or?
> Seems to me the kernel should sit on enough info to handle this nicely.
Good bohevior is client to close session before suspend to not loose any message.
Best Regards
Bartlomiej Zimon
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