Re: [PATCH] libsrp: fix compile failure

From: Stefani Seibold
Date: Mon Jan 04 2010 - 14:24:31 EST

Am Montag, den 04.01.2010, 17:35 +0000 schrieb Alan Cox:
> > least once before it goes to Linus. There were originally technical
> > reasons why -mm wasn't in ... I just thought they'd been fixed by now.
> No - mm also caused problems with the kfifo merge of a core API change
> that didn't go via -next.
> Alan

I tried my best to port everything to the new kfifo API. But it was not
possible to check it against every architecture. x86 and x86_64 was
compile clean. I think the missing #include was not a big thing.


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