Re:, ps2-to-usb adapter: fourth mouse button not working

From: Harald Dunkel
Date: Tue Oct 27 2009 - 02:33:57 EST

On 10/24/09 19:19, Matthew Garrett wrote:

usbmon will let you dump USB traffic.

Sorry for the delay.

This is what I got for pressing mouse buttons 1 to 4 (in this sequence):

ffff88011e462680 2851892632 C Ii:5:002:2 0:8 5 = 01010000 00
ffff88011e462680 2851892646 S Ii:5:002:2 -115:8 5 <
ffff88011e462680 2852236652 C Ii:5:002:2 0:8 5 = 01000000 00
ffff88011e462680 2852236661 S Ii:5:002:2 -115:8 5 <
ffff88011e462680 2853620738 C Ii:5:002:2 0:8 5 = 01020000 00
ffff88011e462680 2853620747 S Ii:5:002:2 -115:8 5 <
ffff88011e462680 2853868753 C Ii:5:002:2 0:8 5 = 01000000 00
ffff88011e462680 2853868761 S Ii:5:002:2 -115:8 5 <
ffff88011e462680 2854524793 C Ii:5:002:2 0:8 5 = 01040000 00
ffff88011e462680 2854524802 S Ii:5:002:2 -115:8 5 <
ffff88011e462680 2854772808 C Ii:5:002:2 0:8 5 = 01000000 00
ffff88011e462680 2854772816 S Ii:5:002:2 -115:8 5 <
ffff88011e462680 2855572857 C Ii:5:002:2 0:8 5 = 01000000 00
ffff88011e462680 2855572863 S Ii:5:002:2 -115:8 5 <
ffff88011e462680 2855892877 C Ii:5:002:2 0:8 5 = 01000000 00
ffff88011e462680 2855892882 S Ii:5:002:2 -115:8 5 <

The last 4 lines are for button 4. AFAICS it does create an event
on the USB line, but there is no special bit set in the bit mask (the
2nd last value on the "C" lines).

Is there some traffic that usbmon doesn't show yet?


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