Re: udev in kernel source?

From: Martin Steigerwald
Date: Sun Oct 25 2009 - 15:04:32 EST

Am Sonntag 25 Oktober 2009 schrieb Frans Pop:
> Martin Steigerwald wrote:
> > Would that qualify as a reason to put it there and have make-kpkg /
> > make deb / make rpm spit out a udev package as well?
> How would that help?

That udev and kernel match each other. But you are right, rest of
userspace that uses udev might not necessarily match.

And there is another issue: AFAIK distributors handle at least parts of
the udev configuration including rules.

Well other solution would be to guarentee that SYSFS_DEPRECATED works
correctly in udev until it will be deprecated and remove in kernel source.
But then you suggest it the other way around:

> Sure, there will be cut-off points (one of which you seem to have hit
> here), but in general it's a lot easier to ensure a kernel is
> compatible with your current version of udev than ensuring random
> upstream versions of udev are compatible with your userland
> (especially if you're running the stable version of a distro).

I am running a mixture of Debian testing/unstable/experimental.

martin@shambhala:~> apt-show-versions | grep udev
libgudev-1.0-0/squeeze uptodate 146-5
libudev0/squeeze uptodate 146-5
udev/squeeze uptodate 146-5

martin@shambhala:~> cat /proc/version
Linux version (martin@shambhala)
(gcc version 4.3.4 (Debian 4.3.4-5) ) #5 PREEMPT Sun Oct 25 18:39:35 CET

Anyway, I disabled CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED now.

Maybe its more about the discoverability of such issue: I don't look into
the boot log / syslog every day. ;)

Hopefully upward incompatible changes in SysFS could be avoided in the

Martin 'Helios' Steigerwald -
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