Re: smart cache. ist is possible?

From: Sitsofe Wheeler
Date: Mon Mar 16 2009 - 13:36:21 EST

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 08:34:53AM +0100, Alexey Fisher wrote:
> If i read same somefile second time, normally will happen the same. It
> tries to read block 1 and this is not it cache, so it will be cached
> and move block 6 out. ( |1|7|8|9|10| ) So it will complete replace
> entire cache.

Yup, that's my understanding (I'm no pro on this stuff though).
Different cache replacement algorithms will have different behviour
though (I believe Linux uses some variation on LRU - ).

> Or i can say, read somefile and only blocks 6-10 so i can use
> performance from cache.

Yup, you could do this but your code would have to have exactly this in
mind (e.g. skip the first 7 Mbytes THEN read 10 mbytes). There's nothing
automatic happening in this scenario from the cache's perspective -
you're just reading less so it (hopefully) doesn't become full and evict
what you want it to keep.

> Or OS need to get a list of blocks from somefile and list of cached
> blocks. And check if there is some of them cached. If they are, it
> should lock the cache, read 1-5 without caching it and read 6-10 from
> cache. After this unlock the cache. But this is not possible because
> this operation is to expensive.
> Is this what you mean?

Kinda. More like when you use memory mapped I/O (mmap) you can "lock"
pieces of the file into ram (and thus have those pieces always in
cache). See mlock - . There are
usually restrictions on just how much memory you can lock etc.

Sitsofe |
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