Re: [RFC] Fast assurate clock readable from user space and NMI handler

From: Mathieu Desnoyers
Date: Mon Feb 26 2007 - 23:53:05 EST

* Daniel Walker (dwalker@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 22:54 -0500, Mathieu Desnoyers wrote:
> > If an NMI nests over the spinlock, we have a deadlock.
> Maybe not completely safe ...
> > In addition, clock->cycle_last is a cycle_t, defined as a 64 bits on
> > x86. If is therefore not updated atomically by change_clocksource,
> > timekeeping_init, timekeeping_resume and update_wall_time. If an NMI
> > fires right on top of the update, especially around the 32 bits wrap
> > around, the time will be really fuzzy.
> I'm not sure that is particularly significant considering that it's just
> a possible bad timestamp, and the probability of that happening seems
> rather low .. You could also modify NMI calls so they use a different
> time stamping method, like reading the clocksource directly .

Since you do not disable interrupts around the clocksource read, the
same problem applies to interrupt handlers of higher priority than the
cycle_last updating code.

A bad timestamp can make a trace quite hard to follow and more
error-prone. When someone is looking for _the_ failing case in a system,
the infrastructure used to debug must be reliable. Sometimes error cases
takes days before showing up : we can't afford to be unsure about the
precision of the tracer.

Also, the goal is to have a generic monotonic timestamp readable from
everywhere. Excluding execution contexts doesn't seem like such a great
idea (it just replicates the same problem somewhere else).

> The pit clocksource could be dropped pretty easy with my clocksource
> update patches, which I'm still working on but you could easily drop
> clock sources that aren't atomic like the pit .. Also the pit is
> generally undesirable, so it's not going to be missed.

Still important for old architectures where PIT is the only available
clock source I guess. However, the clocksource struct should at least
tell if the time can be read atomically and offer a different API for
atomic vs non atomic read of time source, returning an error if no
atomic time source is available.


Mathieu Desnoyers
Computer Engineering Ph.D. Student, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal
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