Re: Strange ethN numbering problem.

From: John Clark
Date: Mon Jan 08 2007 - 20:35:16 EST

Bernd Eckenfels schrieb:
In article <45A2E19F.4070307@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> you wrote:
However, when the system comes up and attempt to do an ifconfig, the 'ethN' numbers
have changed to a some what intermengled seriese starting with eth6... eth10.

maybe a system startup script is renaming them (in order to give them well
known numbers)?

What kind of distribution is that? is this a new problem? Have a look in

This is not a 'new' distribtution. In fact, the disk was used for a previous hardware box, of the same
manufacturer and allegedly the same cpu mother board.

The kernel is the at-that-moment current linux kernel.

What should I look for in terms of interface renaming. What is also sort of strange is that they all
have the same 'mac' address vendor unique id... even though two interfaces are for an Intel
ethernet chip, and the othe 4 are from the Marvel chip.

John Clark

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