Re: Linux v2.4.33-rc3 (and a new v2.4 maintainer)

From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Thu Jul 27 2006 - 21:06:06 EST

Marcelo Tosatti wrote:

Here goes the third (and hopefully last) release candidate of v2.4.33.

It contains a fix for CVE-2006-2935 (locally exploitable typo in DVD
code), ethtool oopses and an ext3 block bitmap leakage issue.

Willy Tarreau has stepped up to maintain the mainline v2.4 tree, and
will do so starting from v2.4.34.

He has devoted great effort to help maintenance for the past few years.
His -hotfix tree is quite popular amongst v2.4 users, for instance.

I feel very confident in his competence for the job, knowing his good
common sense and great technical/communication skills.

Thanks to both of you, I know a number of people who are still on 2.4 due to issues with the new development model, they all depend on you for stable kernel fixes.

Thanks Willy!

Summary of changes from v2.4.33-rc2 to v2.4.33-rc3

Andreas Haumer:
[PATCH-2.4] Typo in cdrom.c

Kirill Korotaev:
EXT3: ext3 block bitmap leakage

Marcelo Tosatti:
Change VERSION to 2.4.33-rc3

Willy Tarreau:
ethtool: two oopses in ethtool_set_coalesce() and ethtool_set_pauseparam()

Bill Davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
Obscure bug of 2004: BASH BUFFER OVERFLOW - if bash is being run by a
normal user and is setuid root, with the "vi" line edit mode selected,
and the character set is "big5," an off-by-one errors occurs during
wildcard (glob) expansion.

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