Re: C++ pushback

From: Jan Harkes
Date: Sun Apr 30 2006 - 13:49:07 EST

On Wed, Apr 26, 2006 at 06:00:52PM -0500, Roman Kononov wrote:
> Linus Torvalds wrote:
> > - a lot of the C++ features just won't be supported sanely (ie the kernel
> > infrastructure just doesn't do exceptions for C++, nor will it run any
> > static constructors etc).
> A lot of C++ features are already supported sanely. You simply need to
> understand them. Especially templates and type checking. C++
> exceptions are not very useful tool in kernels. Static constructor
> issue is trivial. I use all C++ features (except exceptions) in all
> projects: Linux kernel modules, embedded real-time applications,
> everywhere. They _really_ help a lot.

Seriously, your code must be broken.

The C++ standard does not allow an allocator to return NULL, it is
supposed to raise an exception.


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