Re: [patch] mm: fix rss counter being incremented when unmapping

From: Rik van Riel
Date: Tue May 10 2005 - 07:12:36 EST

On Mon, 9 May 2005, Björn Steinbrink wrote:

> This patch fixes a bug introduced by the "mm counter operations through
> macros" patch, which replaced a decrement operation in with an increment
> macro in try_to_unmap_one().

Oops. Patch looks good to me.
Andrew, if you see this could you pick up the
patch from the head of this thread? ;)

"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are,
by definition, not smart enough to debug it." - Brian W. Kernighan