Re: [patch] Real-Time Preemption, -VP-2.6.9-rc4-mm1-U4

From: Mark_H_Johnson
Date: Mon Oct 18 2004 - 10:42:36 EST

>i have released the -U4 PREEMPT_REALTIME patch:

I still cannot get the network up and running with this. The BUG messages
are gone but the system stops processing init scripts somewhere in the
network related scripts. One time, it stopped in portmapper, the next it
got past that and stopped in the imapd script.

What I see on the screen is the normal boot, a few latency trace outputs
indicating increasing latency (up to about 2.3 msec) and then I make it to
single user mode. You can see those traces in /var/log/messages; I will
send that separately.

By doing the scripts in
by hand or by using
telinit 3
I get normal displays until the system stops running the scripts. It just
stops at that point. No response to Ctrl-C (if done by hand). Alt-SysRq
keyboard commands do work (displayed on the screen) but the output does
not make it to /var/log/messages. The output from the second run is
particularly disappointing, it appears to be truncated.

I will rebuild with -U5 since I noticed it is available, but if you
have some suggestions on a way to capture more helpful data, I would
be glad to do it.


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