Re: mlock(1)

From: Neil Horman
Date: Fri Sep 24 2004 - 15:18:03 EST

Jeff Garzik wrote:

How feasible is it to create an mlock(1) utility, that would allow priveleged users to execute a daemon such that none of the memory the daemon allocates will ever be swapped out?

ntp daemon does mlock(2) internally, for example, but IMHO this is really a policy decision that could be moved out of the app.

Unfortunately I am VM-ignorant as always ;-)


I think it would be pretty easy to do. Since mlock(2) operates on the calling processes vma tree you'd need an interface to the kernel that let you specify a child process and an address range to lock. Then in the kernel you'd need to translate the pid into task struct and replicate the functionality of sys_mlock without the assumption that current points to the task that you're modifying. Sounds like something you could do pretty easy with a proc file in fact.


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*Neil Horman
*Software Engineer
*Red Hat, Inc.
*gpg keyid: 1024D / 0x92A74FA1
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